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dglux_v2_wiki:dynamic_properties:logik [2019/07/18 18:12]
dglux_v2_wiki:dynamic_properties:logik [2021/09/20 14:43] (current)
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 +====== Logik ======
 +A Logik Property is a unique property that offers a lot of versatility. The value of this property is dictated by the selected function and the subsequent properties within the function. These functions include the following:
 +Concate - Concatenates all string properties under the logik property.
 +== - Returns a true / false value indicated whether or not the subsequent properties are equal.
 ++ - Returns the sum of all numeric values under the logik property.
 +- - Returns the difference of all numeric values under the logik property.
 +* - Returns the product of all numeric values under the logik property.
 +/ - Returns the quotient of the first two numeric values under the logik property.
 +Mod - Returns the modulus of the first two numeric values under the logik property. ​
 +Max - Returns the max value of all numeric values under the logik property.
 +Min - Returns the min value of all numeric values under the logik property.
 +> - Returns a true / false value based on the first two numeric values under the logik property.
 +>= - Returns a true / false value based on the first two numeric values under the logik property.
 +< - Returns a true / false value based on the first two numeric values under the logik property.
 +<= - Returns a true / false value based on the first two numeric values under the logik property.
 +!=  - Returns a true / false value indicated whether or not the subsequent properties are not equal.