Table of Contents


Behaviors bring DGLux to life by allowing the user to create interactivity within the dashboard. Behaviors are commonly invoked by mouse interaction but can also be executed by a change in data and other parameters utilizing triggers. Behaviors consist of an event, an action, and a start time.


- Click

- Double-Click

- Click On

- Click Off

- Roll Over

- Roll Out

- Roll Over & Out

- Mouse Down

- Mouse Up

- Mouse Down & Up

- Mouse Up Global

- Creation Complete

- Swipe Left

- Swipe Right

- Swipe Up

- Swipe Down

- Rotate Clockwise

- Rotate Counter-Clockwise

- Zoom In

- Zoom Out

- Two Finger Tap


- Open Dashboard

- Open Web

- Data Action

- Save Dashboard

- Set Property

- Set State

- Delay

- Export Image

- Export PDF

- Export XLS

- Close Dashboard

- Logout

- Refresh Browser

Order of Execution

- At Once

- After Previous

- With Previous