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dgsb_wiki:releases:1415 [2019/05/13 21:33]
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-====== Version 1415 (March 2019) ====== 
-<span style="​color:#​666666;​font-size:​20px;">​Learn what's new in the latest release of DG Solution Builder.</​span>​ 
-==== ESRI Map Integration ==== 
-Adding another map component to extend your development requirements. 
-Leverage an additional map component into your software application. With over a dozen map types,\\ a 3D view feature and incorporating map group, geoJSON or heatmap layers, ESRI map component simply\\ extends your development requirements for your future projects. Check out this video to see an example of\\ how ESRI map can be utilized. (hyperlink to Noah’s video) 
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-==== User & Profile Management ==== 
-Simplifying the ability for administrators to manage users and user passwords. 
-Insert further description ... 
-<span style="​color:#​666666;​font-size:​20px;">​Find fixed issues in the latest release of DG Solution Builder - version 1415. </​span>​ 
-^ March 2019 (version 1415) fixed issues 
-| Bug description ​   | Bug Description | 
-| Bug description ​   | Bug Description | 
-| Bug description ​   | Bug Description |