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Dataflow (PA)

This page covers using the DGLux5 dataflow to edit a project created with Project Assist 2.0, version 10, for facilities. For a user guide to the DGLux5 dataflow, see Dataflow.

DGLux5 users can use DGLux5 to edit some aspects of a Project Assist project. This is useful if you want to edit some aspect of the project that is not accessible via Project Assist.


  • Always edit in the location or template directory. If you edit the global symbol, your changes might be overwritten when you update Project Assist.
  • Always work with symbol instance properties rather than symbol parameters. If you edit the symbol parameters, your changes might be overwritten when you update Project Assist.
  • Always save a backup in a different .dg5 file.
  • Never modify any bindSingle, bindSeries, bindAction, or binding<n> dataflow block in DGLux5. If you modify these blocks, you might experience unexpected results in Project Assist.

To access project content that you created in Project Assist:

  1. Open the project in DGLux5.
  2. Open <Project Root>/PA/node/location for a page or <Project Root>/PA/node/template for a device template.

    In DGLux5, the device template displays the data metrics for the master device.

Example: Object Visibility

The following image demonstrates some simple dataflow that determines an object’s Visible property. In this example, the object is visible if either of two data metrics evaluates to TRUE, and invisible if both of the data metrics are FALSE. This logic cannot be configured in Project Assist but can be achieved in DGLux5 dataflow.

How to Edit Pages and Templates in DGLux5

Example: Series Visibility

The following image demonstrates how to filter items from the series. In this example, the bindings property of bindSeries is bound to a Filter block, and then the output of the Filter block is bound to the series property of a chart widget.

How to Edit Pages and Templates in DGLux5