Table of Contents

Scale Labels

The scale labels component is a set of numerical labels arranged in a circular or linear configuration. You can use it when building a gauge widget.

To use this component, first you insert it by selecting Insert > Gauge > Scale Labels. Then, you configure style and behavior using properties. You can customize the start angle and end angle, the number of labels, the number format, the font styling, and other properties.

For more information about creating gauges, see Designing Gauges.

For a detailed reference of properties that affect gauge scales, see Common Properties and Gauge Scale Properties.

Gauge scale labels
A gauge with scale labels in DGLux5

Gauge Scale Properties

These properties affect gauge scales. A gauge scale fits into one of three categories, based on whether it has ticks, labels, or a track. Each category has its own properties.

For a guide to using gauges, see Designing Gauges.

Gauges and gauge scales can also be affected using Common Properties.

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Shared Gauge Scale Properties

These properties affect the shape of any type of gauge scale.

Scale Type

Scale Type

Scale Type
Specifies whether the shape of the scale is defined by a circle or a straight line.

The Scale Type property
The Scale Type property

Start Angle

Start Angle

Start Angle
Defines the start angle of the circular scale. A value of zero indicates the top of the circle. Valid values are between −180 and 180.

The Start Angle property
The Start Angle property

End Angle

End Angle

End Angle
Defines the end angle of the circular scale. A value of zero indicates the top of the circle. Valid values are between −180 and 180.

The End Angle property
The End Angle property



Defines the radius of the circle that defines the scale, as a percentage of either half the width or half the height of the container, whichever is larger.

The Radius property
The Radius property

Left Padding

Left Padding

Left Padding
Defines the distance between the left side of a linear scale and the container boundary, in pixels. If a border stroke is defined, defines the distance between the scale and the border stroke. See Borders, Padding, and Content Size.

The Left Padding property
The Left Padding property

Right Padding

Right Padding

Right Padding
Defines the distance between the right side of a linear scale and the container boundary, in pixels. If a border stroke is defined, defines the distance between the scale and the border stroke. See Borders, Padding, and Content Size.

The Right Padding property
The Right Padding property

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Scale Labels Renderer Properties

These properties affect a scale with number labels.



Specifies whether the labels appear on the inside, outside, or center of the circle or line that defines the scale.

The Justify property
The Justify property



Defines the lowest number on the scale.

The Minimum property
The Minimum property



Defines the highest number on the scale.

The Maximum property
The Maximum property

Labels Count

Labels Count

Labels Count
Defines the total number of labels along this scale. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 2. The Only Min/Max Labels property overrides this property.

The Labels Count property
The Labels Count property

Only Min/Max Labels

Only Min/Max Labels

Only Min/Max Labels
Specifies whether the labels for the minimum and maximum of the scale are the only two labels that appear. This property overrides the Labels Count property.

The Only Min/Max Labels property
The Only Min/Max Labels property



Defines the number format for scale labels, as a format string.

For example:

  • ,##0.00: Labels have a thousands separator and two decimal digits.

  • 000.00: Labels have three mandatory digits before the decimal, and two mandatory digits after the decimal.

For more information about supported formatting options, see Scripting and Syntax.

The Format property
The Format property

Labels Font

Labels Font

Labels Font
Defines the font used for the labels along this scale. To add a font to this project and use it for this property, see Text Component Properties.

The Font property
The Font property

Labels Size

Labels Size

Labels Size
Defines the height of the scale numbers, as a pixel value or percentage. For circular scales, a percentage is a portion of the circle's radius. For linear scales, a percentage is a portion of half the container width.

The Labels Size property
The Labels Size property



Defines whether the labels along this scale are italic.

The Italic property
The Italic property



Defines whether the labels along this scale are bold.

The Bold property
The Bold property



Defines whether the labels along this scale are underlined.

The Underline property
The Underline property

Character Spacing

Character Spacing

Character Spacing
Specifies the horizontal spacing between characters in the scale labels, as a pixel value. A null value means the font's default spacing is used.

The Character Spacing property
The Character Spacing property

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