Version 1.1.9443 (March 2021)

Learn what's new in the latest release of DGLux5.

Update to the latest version of DGLux5 to experience these changes.


- Fixed invoking action when input is invalid JSON.
- Improved flags image loading.
- Improved image scaling so the entire object doesn’t move on resizing.
- Improvements in the custom snapping preview window.
- Fixed snapping to edges (blue lines) to work correctly inside a scaling group.
- Minor improvements in CSS styles.
- Fixed Text Edit pop-up dialog to check both target and field on specific functions.
- Fixed font bug in the data grid.
- Automatically switch to Edit mode when creating a new file.
- Added loading property to Export Html block.
- Added allowResize property to allow vertical-only and horizontal-only widget resize.
- Fixed issue when Dataflow symbol properties display an internal binding path when the value is null.
- Fixed issue with object outline when scrolling.
- Added internal properties to improve breadcrumbs navigation in Project Assist.
- Right-click on the item in the Outline panel now selects the component before showing the context menu.
- Right-click on the node in the Data tree selects the node before showing the context menu.
- Fixed issue when drag & drop from widget bar to a group failed.
- Fixed issue when deleting the library didn’t remove it from the widget bar.
- Updated Help menu link.
- Localization support improvements.
- Improved Snapping To Custom Points menu item.
- Added Copy Path action to nodes in both Metrics panel and Data tree.
- Added Lock Aspect Ratio property to the Scaling group. Added standard content width and height values.
- Exposed a property to control the alignment of horizontal lines with the labels.
- Increased loading timeout for the preview image on the widget palette. Installations on a slow network were affected.
- Fixed scaling Issue when using Absolute Layout.
- Added an option to include language parameter with the Viewer URL.
- Snapping To Custom Points is enabled by default now.
- Added font color and background fill to dataflow annotations.
- Fixed issue with BQL queries attached to a hub in a dataflow.
- Fixed issue when the Save button was missing in the Report Module with Niagara Nav active.
- Improved Help → About pop-up.
- Added in-place editing for SVG repeater’s data tip renderer.
- Added loading parameter to Export Html block.
- Fixed issue with zoom property on Web-Document block that didn't affect callouts.
- Removed dataflow annotation 144 characters limit.
- Improved translation.
- Fixed zoom tool for a group when it affected parent container that has layout set to anything other than absolute.
- Fixed pie chart display issue for widgets.
- Added localization support for symbol property help.
- Fixed palette icon on the group not working in the widget bar.
- Replaced hardcoded date format for better localization.
- Fixed widget language issues.
- Improved localization support for symbol property help.
- Fixed horizontal and vertical layout in a repeater.
- Fixed bugs with components moving and snapping in Chrome on Windows.
- Fixed help links.
- Added new designer property for multi-binding with sub-properties.
- Improved Zoom and Grid design in the main menu.
- Snap To Grid menu item is always shown now.
- Utilities: added translation support for options in dropdowns.
- Fixed issue with Load Value block.