Table of Contents

If Block

The If-Block allows the user to create a simple If-Then statement by defining inputs, the operation to apply to the inputs, as well as the ability to define what true and false mean.


The Standard Workflow when applying an If-Block is to decide the type of statement you want to apply to the given inputs. Most common uses are == (value 1 equals value 2) or != (value 1 equals not value 2). Once the statement has been defined, you have the option to further define exactly what true and false equal, by defining the True and False Text.


Preview Property Description
Input 1 Value to be compared with Input 2
Operation Specify how Input 1 & 2 should be compared
Input 2 Value to be compared with Input 1
Result Output Value displaying True or False Value based on Conditions Result
Value Mapping
True Value Specify What Value to use if True
False Value Specify What Value to use if False
