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XML Loader

The XML Loader allows you to bring in external content via an XML Feed.


The Standard Workflow when applying the XML Loader to your dashboard is to first enter the URL to your XML Feed, along with any parameters that may be required. Once you've loaded a specific feed, the next step is to define how the data is parced in DGLux. Once you've populated the Output Table with the data you've requested, the final step is to apply the data to your dashboard, typically done by binding the table to a Repeater or Chart.


Preview Property Description
XML Path Specify a URL for an XML Feed
Use Proxy Toggle whether a Proxy Connection should be used
Parameter No Data, GET, POST
Polling Interval Specify Refresh Interval in Seconds
Update Invoke to Force Update
Raw XML Output Property of Raw XML Data Retrieved
Error Message Output Property to display Error Message Text
Output Table Table Output of Data parsed from XML Feed
Mode Simple, Advanced
Dynamic Column Toggle whether Dynamic Columns should Generate
Data Script Specify What and How Data is parsed from XML Feed
Add Column Invoke to add another Column Property Set


Sample Video of Widget in Use