Table of Contents

Text Input

Simple Widget Description.


Standard Use of Widget Description.


Preview Propert Description
Text The Text to Display
Editable If enabled, allows user to input text in View Mode
Password If enabled, text will be replaced with *
Allow Only Numbers If enabled, will only allow numbers to be entered
Border Style List of Border Styles
Border Color Color to use for the border
Border Thinkness Thinkness of border in pixels
Corner Radius Radius of corners in pixels
Background Alpha Alpha to use for the background
Background Color Color to use for the background
Padding Left Number of blank space in pixels to the left of the text
Padding Right Number of blank space in pixels to the right of the text
Font Family The font to use for the text
Font Size The font size to use for the text
Font Style Bold, Italic, Underline
Font Color Color to use for the text
Letter Spacing Spacing between individual characters of text
Horizontal Align Left, Center, Right
Vertical Align Top, Middle, Bottom


Sample Video of Widget in Use