
These Constants blocks are special Number blocks that hold mathematical constants when the blocks are created.

Block Icon Description
Pi Pi block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant pi
E e block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant e
SQRT2 SQRT2 block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant for the square root of 2
LN2 LN2 block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant for the natural logarithm of 2
LN10 LN10 block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant for the natural logarithm of 10
LOG2E Log2e block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant for the base-2 logarithm of the constant e
LOG10E log10e block icon A Number block that holds the mathematical constant for the base-10 logarithm of the constant e

2018/10/03 00:17