Table of Contents


A group is a container that holds other DGLux5 components and can control their layout.

Groups are a fundamental part of most DGLux5 projects. They are often essential when creating clean and responsive layouts. They are also important when creating any widget that comprises multiple components, such as a gauge, heat map, button, pop-up, or callout. Additionally, groups allow you to create a symbol comprising multiple components. Finally, groups can hold repeaters.

The Stage, or root component, of a page behaves like a group.

For a detailed reference of properties that affect groups, see Common Properties and Group and Stage Properties.

Group components in DGLux5. The main group component, "Button Panel," contains two subgroups.

Create a Group

There are two main ways to create groups.

The first way is to group existing objects. This creates a group that has Absolute layout and Fit Ratio scaling set by default. Fit Ratio scaling means that elements in the group will resize with the group while maintaining their aspect ratio.

  1. Select all of the objects you want to group.

    You can do this by Shift-clicking, or by using the Select tool to drag a selection rectangle.

  2. In the Quick Access panel to the right of the Document window, click Group.

The second way is to insert an empty group and give it children. This creates a group that has Absolute layout and no scaling set by default. No scaling means that elements in the group do not resize with the group.

  1. Right-click in the Outline or Document window, and select Insert > Components > Group.

  2. Insert more objects as children of the group.

    You can do this by dragging objects into the group or by right-clicking the group and inserting objects.

Ungroup Items

To delete a group component and transfer its children to its parent:

  1. Select the group.
  2. In the Quick Access panel to the right of the Document window, click Ungroup.

Groups FAQ

This section provides answers to some common questions about using groups in DGLux5.

Layout properties follow the CSS3 flexbox concept. You can read more about flexbox in online resources like this one.

How do I position items in rows or columns? How do I position them freely?

How do I position items in rows or columns? How do I position them freely?

How do I position items in rows or columns? How do I position them freely?
To change the Layout type of a group or the Stage:

  1. In the Outline or Document window, select the group.
  2. In the Property Inspector, use the Layout properties:
    • To position items in one or more columns, set Layout to Vertical.

    • To position items in one or more rows, set Layout to Horizontal.

    • To control whether there is one row or column, or as many as needed, use the Wrap property.
    • To position items freely, set Layout to Absolute.

      When using Absolute layout, Scaling is typically recommended.

How can I adjust the alignment of items in horizontal or vertical layout?

How can I adjust the alignment of items in horizontal or vertical layout?

How can I adjust the alignment of items in horizontal or vertical layout?
To change the alignment of items in a group:

  1. In the Outline or Document window, select the group.
  2. In the Property Inspector, under Layout, ensure that Layout is set to Horizontal or Vertical.
  3. In the Property Inspector, use the following properties:
    • To control whether there is one row or column, or as many as needed, use the Wrap property.
    • To control the alignment of items within rows or columns, use the Horizontal Layout and Vertical Layout properties.
    • If Wrap is enabled, control the alignment of entire rows or columns using the Tile Align property.
    • To control the space between elements, use Horizontal Gap and Vertical Gap.
    • To control the space between the boundary of the group and its contents, use the Padding properties.

How do I make the size of the group follow the size of its content?

How do I make the size of the group follow the size of its content?

How do I make the size of the group follow the size of its content?
You can make the size of a group follow the size of its content by setting the group's width and height to Auto. These steps work only if the group uses Horizontal or Vertical layout, and the children of the group have a size that is not determined by their parent, for example a pixel size, or a size determined by their children.

  1. In the Outline or Document window, select the group.
  2. In the Property Inspector, under Position and Size, set Width to Auto:
    1. Hover over the Width property until a blue dot appears.

    2. Click the blue dot, and select Reset.

  3. Repeat step 2 for the Height property.

How do I make the size of the content follow the size of the group?

How do I make the size of the content follow the size of the group?

How do I make the size of the content follow the size of the group?
If the group uses Absolute layout:
Use the Scaling properties for the group.

  1. Position elements where you want them inside the group.
  2. Select the group, and in the Property Inspector, set Scaling to Fit Ratio or Fit.

    Fit Ratio maintains the aspect ratio of children, and Fit does not.

    When the group resizes, the children scale to the size of the group.

If the group uses Horizontal or Vertical layout:
Use Stretch to make elements grow in the opposite direction from their layout to fill the container. These steps are intended to be used only when Wrap is set to Nowrap. For a Vertical layout:

  1. In the Outline or Document window, select the group.
  2. In the Property Inspector, under Layout, ensure that Layout is set to Vertical and Wrap is set to Nowrap.
  3. Set Horizontal Alignment to Stretch.
  4. Select the children that you want to stretch, and set their Width values to Auto:
    1. Under Position and Size, hover over the Width property until a blue dot appears.
    2. Click the blue dot, and select Reset.

      The children's width follows the width of the group.

Use Flex-Grow to make elements grow in the same direction as their layout to fill the container. For a Vertical layout:

  1. In the Outline or Document window, select the group.
  2. In the Property Inspector, under Layout, ensure that Layout is set to Vertical.
  3. Select the children that you want to grow to fill available vertical space.
  4. Set the Flex-Grow property of the children to a positive number:
    1. Under Position and Size, for Flex-Grow, enter 1.
  5. (Recommended) Set the height of the children to Auto:
    1. Under Position and Size, hover over the Height property until a blue dot appears.
    2. Click the blue dot, and select Reset.

More Resources

This post in the DGLogik Community Forum describes using a group to enforce a border surrounding all page content.

These wiki pages show some basic use cases:

Group and Stage Properties

These property groups apply to group components and the Stage.

  • Layout properties affect the layout of this group's children.
  • Scaling properties affect the placement of this group's children when Absolute layout is used.

Groups and the Stage are also affected by common properties.

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Layout Properties

These properties affect the placement of this group's children.

Layout properties
The Layout properties in the Property Inspector



Defines how elements are positioned within this container.

Elements are positioned freely.

Elements are positioned in order horizontally left to right.

Elements are positioned in order vertically top to bottom.

The Layout property
The Layout property

Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal Alignment
Defines the horizontal positioning of all elements within this container.

Elements are packed against the left edge.

Elements are packed against the right edge.

Elements are packed together around the horizontal center.

Elements are distributed with the left element flush against the left edge, the right element flush against the right edge, and equal space between the items.

Elements are distributed with equal space between them. The space at the left and right of the container equals half of the space between two adjacent items.

The baseline of all elements is aligned to the baseline of the parent container.

Elements stretch horizontally to fit the parent container. Only works when the elements have a width value of "auto."

* Only available when the Layout property is set to Horizontal

** Only available when the Layout property is set to Vertical

The Horizontal Alignment property
The Horizontal Alignment property

Vertical Alignment

Vertical Alignment

Vertical Alignment
Defines vertical positioning of all elements within this container.

Elements are packed against the top edge.

Elements are packed against the bottom edge.

Elements are packed together around the vertical center.

Elements are distributed with the top element flush against the top edge, the bottom element flush against the bottom edge, and equal space between the items.

Elements are distributed with equal space between them. The space at the top and bottom of the container equals half of the space between two adjacent items.

The baseline of all elements is aligned to the baseline of the parent container.

Elements stretch vertically to fit the parent container. Only works when the elements have a height value of "auto."

* Only available when the Layout property is set to Vertical

** Only available when the Layout property is set to Horizontal

The Vertical Alignment property
The Vertical Alignment property



Defines whether elements within this container can wrap when there is not enough space to fit them in a single row or column. When the Layout property is set to Vertical, elements can wrap into columns. When the Layout property is set to Horizontal, elements can wrap into rows.

Elements do not wrap.

The first element that does not fit in a row or column starts a new row or column. Elements in a row are positioned from left to right. Elements in a column are positioned from top to bottom. The first row is on the top, or the first column is on the left.

Elements behave as in Wrap, except that the first row is on the bottom, or the first column is on the right.

The Wrap property
The Wrap property

Tile Align

Tile Align

Tile Align
Defines positioning of the columns and rows containing wrapped elements within this container.

The rows are packed against the top edge, or the columns are packed against the left edge.

The rows are packed against the bottom edge, or the columns are packed against the right edge.

The rows or columns are packed together around the center of the container.

The rows or columns are positioned against both edges, with equal space between them.

The rows or columns are positioned with equal space between them, and space along both edges equal to half of the space between two rows or columns.

The rows or columns stretch to fit the parent container.

The Tile Align property
The Tile Align property

Horizontal Gap

Horizontal Gap

Horizontal Gap
Defines the minimum number of pixels between elements in a horizontal layout, or between columns in a wrapped vertical layout.

Notes about padding with a wrapped horizontal layout:

  • When Horizontal Alignment is Flex-Start, Horizontal Gap defines a right padding, but you must define a left padding separately.
  • For all other Horizontal Alignments, Horizontal Gap defines a left padding, but you must define a right padding separately.

The Horizontal Gap property
The Horizontal Gap property

Vertical Gap

Vertical Gap

Vertical Gap
Defines the minimum number of pixels between elements in a vertical layout, or between rows in a wrapped horizontal layout.

Notes about padding with a wrapped vertical layout:

  • When Vertical Alignment is Flex-Start, Vertical Gap defines a bottom padding, but you must define a top padding separately.
  • For all other Vertical Alignments, Vertical Gap defines a top padding, but you must define a bottom padding separately.

The Vertical Gap property
The Vertical Gap property

Left Padding

Left Padding

Left Padding
Defines a number of pixels of space between the left container boundary and the leftmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed.

The Left Padding property
The Left Padding property

Right Padding

Right Padding

Right Padding
Defines a number of pixels of space between the right container boundary and the rightmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed.

The Right Padding property
The Right Padding property

Top Padding

Top Padding

Top Padding
Defines a number of pixels of space between the top container boundary and the topmost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed.

The Top Padding property
The Top Padding property

Bottom Padding

Bottom Padding

Bottom Padding
Defines a number of pixels of space between the bottom container boundary and the bottommost edge of the content. Negative numbers are not allowed.

The Bottom Padding property
The Bottom Padding property

Link Paddings

Link Paddings

Link Paddings
Links all four padding editors so that their values are equal.

The Link Paddings property
The Link Paddings property

Clip Content

Clip Content

Clip Content
Defines the handling of content that overflows this container.

All overflowed content is clipped and is not visible.

All overflowed content is visible and responds to mouse events.

The Clip Content property
The Clip Content property

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Scaling Properties

These properties affect the placement and scaling of this group's children. Scaling can be used only with Absolute layout.

Scaling properties
The Scaling properties in the Property Inspector



Specifies the scaling behavior of children of this group when the group size changes. Only works when group layout is absolute.

Children do not scale when group size changes.

Fit ratio
Children scale while maintaining their aspect ratios.

Children scale without maintaining their aspect ratios.

The Scale property
The Scale property

Autosize Content

Autosize Content

Autosize Content
Specifies whether this group’s content inherits the group size.

Content inherits the group size. This property can also be used to bring overflowing content into the bounds of the group, but only if the content overflows to the right or bottom of the group.

Content does not inherit the group size.

The Autosize Content property
The Autosize Content property

Content Width

Content Width

Content Width
Returns the width of the group content before scaling happens, in pixels. Scaling is calculated based on this width. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing.

The Content Width property
The Content Width property

Content Height

Content Height

Content Height
Returns the height of the group content before scaling happens, in pixels. Scaling is calculated based on this height. This is a read-only property, so changing it manually does nothing.

The Content Height property
The Content Height property

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