
Logic dataflow blocks.

Block Icon Description
And And block icon Returns one value if all its input properties are TRUE and another value if one or more input properties is FALSE
Or Or block icon Returns one value if one or more of its input properties is TRUE, and another value if all input properties are FALSE
Not Not block icon Returns FALSE when its input is TRUE and returns TRUE when its input is FALSE
If If block icon Specifies a logical test to perform, and returns one value if the condition evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE
Case Case block icon Evaluates a list of conditions and returns the result corresponding to the first condition that is met.
Hub Hub block icon Outputs the most recently updated value from multiple inputs
Event Gate Event Gate block icon Listens for changes to multiple inputs and fires a new event when all of the inputs have changed
Script Script block icon Holds a custom script
Trace Trace block icon Monitors changes to specified properties and logs changes in the browser's JavaScript console
Stop Watch Stop Watch block icon Counts up when enabled
Delay Delay block icon Accepts an input value, waits a predetermined amount of time, and then returns the input as output
State State block icon Activates and deactivates the defined state upon invoke and revert triggers
Mouse Event Mouse Event block icon Fires a trigger when the defined mouse event occurs
Keyboard Event Keyboard Event block icon Fires a trigger when the defined keyboard event occurs
Scroll Event Scroll Event block icon Fires a trigger when the defined scroll event occurs
Resize Event Resize Event block icon Listens for a resize event, and fires a trigger when such an event is detected
Drag Position Drag Position block icon Allows the user to move an object by dragging that object or one of its children
Drag Size Drag Size block icon Allows the user to resize an object by dragging that object or one of its children
Repeater no icon Returns a table that, for each row in an input table, lists the parameter values of an input dataflow symbol
Catch Error Catch Error block icon Outputs the latest error from the dataflow blocks in an error group
Map Series Data no icon

2018/10/03 00:17

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