The Google Map component is a customizable, interactive Google Map. It includes a repeater that can render a given symbol once for each row of data in a table. Each instance of the symbol appears at the latitude and longitude specified in the table and can have other dynamic properties.
For a detailed reference of properties that affect Google Maps components, see Common Properties and Google Map Properties.
To use the Google Maps API, include a JavaScript dataflow block in the dataflow for the map component.
A Google Map component in DGLux5. This map uses a repeater and custom styling.
To create a Google Map component with a repeater:
Load the latitude and longitude data that you want to use.
You can do this by deleting the existing table and loading a new one as discussed in Working with Tables. Or, you can open the existing table and edit it manually.
If you are using a symbol with parameters, your table must include columns for the parameter values.
In the Property Inspector, for each symbol parameter, either enter a value or bind a table column.
To bind a table column, open the table in dataflow and drag the column header to this field.
You can find JSON for a selection of pre-made map styles here.
You can also create JSON for a custom style using this wizard.
To pass a JSON object for map style to DGLux5:
This section provides answers to some common questions about creating Google Map components in DGLux5.
For frequently asked questions about manipulating the tables that determine the placement of markers by a map repeater, see Working with Tables.